This blog entry originated as a forum post, but sort of sank in the thread. I'm looking for some feedback on video. And also shamelessly plugging my Youtube channel, OK.

I have always been fascinated by aerial photo, maps, GPS traces and the like. A long time ago, I was experimenting with taping a servo on a compact camera - the type with an actual roll of film inside. When I started RC flying again this year, I found this stuff is now cheap and light so I got myself the tiny Mobius action camera and taped it to my Telink Toro 300 RC foam wing and then on most of my other models.
It was fun for a while to look at the photos and videos, but then I wanted to make it more "watchable" for lack of a better word. Taking pictures from the air made me appreciate how difficult it is to fly in a way that makes the aerial film or photo look good and how incredibly hard it is to get good air-to-air photo.
Movie Maker was free on my PC so I edited a clip of me flying the Multiplex FunMan with gyro on and off. There arent many clips of that plane it seems so I got some views from that I suppose.

On the other hand, a pure unedited clip of a plane just flying around is sometimes exactly what you want to help you with a buy - many commercial or promo videos for RC planes are cut into tiny pieces and also flown by absolute pro level pilots and give absolutely no clue as to how the plane really performs.
The videos needed sound, which is easily done with the music available at Youtube. Then I got sidetracked and put my own guitar strumming on a video which eventually grew into little bits of songs I made in GarageBand. (Thats a Joe Satriani reference in the title BTW),
I usually try to cut it tight and use the sound, music, occasional text comments and picture to make it enjoyable to watch and keep a good flow.
Some videos I made are mainly for memory such as the Astro Viking Oldtimer Maiden flight. Others such as the garden and puddle floats Magnum Reloaded are to show the fun with RC. Other times to inspire others to go out there and try new stuff like the Alula sloping at Grundsö.
Living in west coast of Sweden means there is darkness, rain and hard wind during most of winter season and watching my own summer clips... helps me endure! The most recent RC-video I did as I write this is from a slope session in very hard wind conditions. I met a flying mentor, Dan, this summer and his advice has helped me evolve immensely as a pilot and opened up awesome new flying possibilities. Without his advice and help I would neither have found the spot or dared try to fly it.
Since flying is now limited and no proper build projects are in the pipeline I'm still sort of figuring out how and what to do and would appreciate feedback or ideas.
Channel is here:
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